mind set
Balance: 3 nerve, indocrine and immune systems: trinite functionelle.
fight or go
Hormones charge : Adrenaline , NA
1. Syndrome of adaptation:
- Peak of hormones (Adrenaline, NA, Cortisol)
- Muscles contract (Breathing increase, heart palpitations, perspiration)
- Demineralisation : Forte consommation of magnesium (reserves)
2. phase de resistance
- Cortisol rise and permanent (DHEA against balance)
- Hyperglycemia for muscles to work
- NT (dopamine (motivation/action), serotonin (calmness), Acethil coline) sur cerveau and gut
3. Phase d'épuisement
Drainage of cellular resources, physiology
- 3A. Cortisol encore elevated : Burn in and anxious
almost non-existent adrenaline (anxiety, indifference, compulsive, addictive)
dopamine le mati leaves fatigue, brouillard total, impatient, reveal tot,
serotonin : calm, recul,
- 3B Bourn out effondrement de tout nos organes
- chronic and metabolic pathology
Duration (if stressor agents are still there)
Organs - neuro transmitters - hormones - diana cels
magnesium - everyday
Balance: 3 nerve, indocrine and immune systems: trinite functionelle.
Burn in / Burn out
Burn in :
Burn out : Cortisol shot - Deconnecter des ressentis profonds.
Anger, injustice, sadness, incomprehension, culpability, on s'autorise pas a squeezing les resentis profonds.
Ax gut - brain
gut - cytokines - cerveau
Cortisol beginning anti inflammatory
when stress situation persistence it will be the oposite
Cortisol resistance - inflammation
creates Stress oxidative - alterer cellular function (vs. antioxidants but cells burn out)
Déreglement biochemical, cellular, blood, biological,
Oxidation : vieillissement de peau
Nervous system
Cellules - signaux electriques chimiques
Communication molecules (100mol)
3 families
- Amines (acetyl, na, adrenaline, dopa
- Acids amines (Gaba, glycine, spartate)
- Neuropeptides (endorphins, hyposophageal hormones)
Ax gut - brain
gut - cytokines - cerveau
Release in movement
Emotional liberation process:
Faire trust au corps
E / motion (energie en mouvement)
1. Acceuillir l'emotion, vivre l'emotion, la reconnaitre. Comment faire?
Birth : sensations, ressentis,
On sens des noeuds, douleurs,
2. Nommer l'emotion: liberer par mettre des mots dessus. "Je ressens de la colere" (Et pas je suis en colere). Ecrire, parler, mettre en conscience.
3. Decoder l'emotion. What is the message of emotion (dictionary of emotion, by André charbonnier).
Ex. Tristesse: il faut accepter et lacher. Laisser depart. (deuil)
Nervous system
Cellules - signaux electriques chimiques
Communication molecules (100mol)
3 families
- Amines (acetyl, na, adrenaline, dopa
- Acids amines (Gaba, glycine, spartate)
- Neuropeptides (endorphins, hyposophageal hormones)