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Image by Justin Wilkens

Mind set

Mind set

Th emind and body are constantly communicating with each other, and our mind sets have a strong influence on our physical health. â€‹



Combatre ou fuire

Hormones charge : Adrenaline , NA 

1. Syndrome of adaptation:

- Pic of hormones (Adrenaline, NA, Cortisol)

- Muscles contract (Breathing increase, heart palpitations, transpiration)

- Desmineralisation : Forte consommation of magnesium (reserves) 


2. phase de resistance 

- Cortisol rise and permanent (DHEA contre balance)

- Hyperglycemia for muscles to work 

- NT (dopamine (motivation/action), serotonine (calmness), Acethil coline) sur cerveau and gut 


3. Phase d'épuisement 

Epuisement de ressources celulaires, phyisiologiques

- 3A. Cortisol encore élevée : Burn in and anxious 

adrenaline casi inexistante (anxiete, indiference, compulsive, adictive)

dopamine le mati deja fatigue, brouillard total, inmpatient, reveil tot, 

serotonine : calm, recul, 

- 3B Bourn out effondrement de tout nos organes 

- pathologie chronique et metabolique


Duration (if stressor agents are still there)

Organs - neuro transmitors - hormones - diana cels

magnesium - everyday 


Equilibre : 3 systems nerveu, indocrinien et inmunitaire : trinite functionelle.



Burn in / Burn out 

Burn in : 

Burn out : Chutte de cortisol - Deconnecter des ressentis profonds.

Colere, injustice, tristesse, incomprehension, culpabilite, on s'autorise pas a exprimer les resentis profonds. 


Axe gut - brain 

gut - citoquines - cerveau 


Cortisol - Inflamation

Cortisol begening anti inflamtory 

when stress situation persistence it will be the oposite 

Cortisol resistance - inflammation 

creates Stress oxidative - alterer fonctionnement cellulaire (vs. antioxidants but cells burn out) 

Dérèglement biochimique, cellulaire, sanguin, biologique, 

Oxidation : vieillissement de peau


The mind set we hold




Can influence health positively or negatively 


Nervious system

Cellules - signaux electriques chimiques 

Molecules de communication (100mol)

3 familles

- Amines ( acetil, na, adrena, dopa

- Acides amines (Gaba, glicine, spartate)

- Neuropeptides (endorphines, hormones hyposifaire)


It's the brain's ability to change  and create stronger connections in response to different stimuli and experiences over time.

- Functional plasticity : The brain's ability to shift functions from one brain area to another 

- Structural plasticity is the brain's ability to alter the physical structure, due to learning or practice. 

Meditation has been shown to alter the functional and structural plasticity of the brain. 



Liberation en mouvement

Processus de liberation emotionelle: 

Faire confiance au corps

E / motion (energie en mouvement) 

1. Acceuillir l'emotion, vivre l'emotion, la reconnnaitre. Comment faire? 

Birth : sensations, ressentis, 

On sens des noeuds, douleurs,  

2. Nommer l'emotion : liberer par mettre des mots dessus. "Je ressens de la colere" (Et pas je SUIS en colere). Ecrire, parler, mettre en conscience. 

3. Decoder l'emotion. Quel est le message de l'emotion (diccionaire de l'emotion, de André charbonnier). 

Ex. Tristesse : il faut accepter et lacher. Laisser partir. (deuil) 



Mindfulness is th ebasic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we're doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what's going on around us.  Whenever you bring awareness to what you’re directly experiencing via your senses, or to your state of mind via your thoughts and emotions, you’re being mindful. And there’s growing research showing that when you train your brain to be mindful, you’re actually remodeling the physical structure of your brain.


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